Friday, August 22, 2008


...I hate them. Just got my first round today and my left arm feels like it lost a dead arm punching contest. Oh well. Guess its better than typhoid.

Friday, August 1, 2008

More Pieces Falling Together

Ok, so Micah and I decided to not turn this into one of those gimme gimme projects where we are whining about all the stuff we need all the time (not that we don't have needs but we don't like guilt tripping people into giving).

Anyway, here's how cool God is in putting a desire on peoples hearts to help play a part. I have known this wonderful lady named Tracy and her son for the last few years now through work. I guess I ended up mentioning what we were going to be doing in Cambodia to her son somehow a while back and he relayed the fact to his mom. Now fast forward to Wednesday this week. We were meeting with Tracy discussing some potential business and she asks me about my trip so I give her a short summary of the situation and what we were doing. She got very excited about it and told me that she would like to talk further about how she could play a part of which I was more than happy to do. Well she decided to set up a fundraiser for our project at a very nice and trendy restaurant downtown before we ever got a chance to get together to discuss the project further. She gave me the call yesterday and we will be setting up the details for the event this coming Tuesday. HOW COOL IS THAT!!!!!

I don't have any more details on the event but I will post them as soon as I do.

Until then, blessings on all of you.
